Saturday, May 22, 2010

Awkward O_O

I actually tried to delete this post but i forgot how so im just typing this down. So... yeah...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My first rant!

Never have I thought that I could be so mad about something. Something out of my control. I was Google imaging Canadian wilderness, and not one pic came up that had no people in it. Everything we do is disturbing wildlife. EVERYTHING! For example: hikes. You like hiking? Sure, it's a great way to look at the beautiful scenery and look at some wildlife! And a great way to get some exercise! Walk on a treadmill. Taking hikes can scare off wildlife. A once active beaver pond can become a creek with a pile of rotting wood. Hikes are pretty, but they are taking away homes from animals. After you take a hike, others might wanna check out what you saw. Then they'll tell their friends and their friends will go on the hike! Then they'll tell THEIR friends and it keeps going on and on and on until you have completely run the wildlife once living their out of their homes. Next example: camping. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE camping, but now that I think about it, it's not a good thing. Sure it's fun and you feel like you're one with the outdoors, but you're probably doing the same thing you are doing with hiking. If you camp in a place that isn't meant for camping - like in the middle of a deep forest in the middle of NO WHERE - everything is gonna happen like hiking! Friends check it out, their friends check it out, THEIR friends check it out, until finally you made another creature homeless. And campgrounds, they are built on nature! They could be built near a fox den! And that family of foxes would either have to leave, or stay and eventually get shot, poisoned, or trapped by the campground keeper. Humans are killing animals. KILLING THEM! Sometimes without even trying! Imagine you're sitting at home in your living room with your family, and suddenly a bulldozer comes and takes away the kitchen. The next night it comes and takes the bedroom. And it keeps coming back every night until you have no home. That's how animals feel. They aren't mindless creatures! They know what's happening.. People think animals are stupid, idiotic, lower lifeforms. They aren't. If you ever thought of an animal that way I want you to go to hell. By building homes, hotels, resorts, golf courses, roads, train tracks, and so much more we are taking away animals' homes! I know you've probably heard this before, but you need to start believing it. You can't keep telling yourself everything is fine. That we're just over reacting. Google a list of all the extinct animals. We did that. There are over 180 extinct animals in North America alone. Think how many animals are extinct all over the world. It breaks my heart to think most people don't even care. It's OUR fault these animals are extinct, it's OUR fault many animals are endangered. If humans never existed, there would be no extinct animals. There would be no endangered animals. Animals are dying and it's all our fault! I don't even think people care anymore! I am a young girl and even I know that we humans have caused a lot of shit in the world. There are lots of people in the world dedicated to helping animals, but all those people don't even make half of the earth's population. We need to do something about this! WE NEED TO HELP! Animals aren't idiotic creatures! Technically, humans are animals! We are mammals! JUST BECAUSE WE HAVE POSABLE THUMBS DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE BETTER!
I know most of you will just ignore everything you just read and will tell yourself I'm just over reacting. And some of you will listen to what I say, and join the fight to help the world. And those of you that help, I promise I will stand by you till' the end.
Thanks you for reading my extremely long rant, I know it must have been boring.

                                                     ~ Lyric