Monday, March 22, 2010


Ok, so some of you have heard of stardoll, some of you haven't. It's an online community were you dressup dolls and blahblahblah anyway its uber fun. My user is 1124dwse3 please add me I will accept your request! chibushy1028 is uber awesome, ADD HER! She is so random and funny. Make an account people! I have no twitter, facebook, myspace, nothing but stardoll!!!!!!! so go to!!!!!! why are you still here? GO!
follow this blog! you know you want to!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Youtube MUST SEES!!!!!!

Ok, so many of you go onto youtube.... probably. Or, you may be like me and have it blocked on your computer. My father has blocked youtube on my computer and I will be able to get on it when I am  13. *prays* PLEASE! PLEASE HURRY UP!!!! Anyway, my friend is always showing me youtube videos on her laptop, and some of our favorites are Brittani Louise Taylor and SceneXster. They are the funniest peoples on earth! for brittani lousie taylor, go to:     And for sceneXster, go to:

follow this blog! come on! you know you want to!!!! x]

lata gatas!

School Gyrls

Ok, so on teennick they showed a movie called 'School Gyrls' and I thought I should share my views about it. Well, for starters the acting was not as good as it could have been. The actors needed to show more emotion, they all were sorta dull. And the cartoons between scenes made the movie look cheap. But the dancing and singing was absolutely amazing. At first when I saw the girls - and saw how their acting was - i was disappointed. But when they started singing and dancing, I knew why they were the ones chosen. They are great! School Gyrls is a deffinate movie that is worth seeing. The 3 main girls are not the best actors, but their dancing and singing skills pay off. Hope you enjoy the movie!

follow the blog! you know you want to! just go to the topish right corner and click 'follow'!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

First Post Ever!!!!

Hey! I'm so excited to be blogging!!!!! This is, of course, my first post ever. I know right now that the blog isn't to great, but it will be awesome after a day or two. I will be blogging, and also writing some of my poems here, so register for an account here!!!
